Сombustiblefruit News Enthusiastic Jane

Enthusiastic Jane

Jane Ditmore earned the Andy Award for enthusiasm at the eighth annual Andy Awards Ceremony last month in McConomy Auditorium. Ditmore, a senior sales associate in Entropy, is holding a sign made by her colleagues in Business Services. Other Andy Award winners were Anita Barkin, Richard Pethia and the Heinz School Morale and Motivation Committee.

New Biomedical Engineering Department Established in CIT

Carnegie Mellon’s College of Engineering has created a Department of Biomedical Engineering to meet the growing needs of an emerging new biotechnology marketplace that pumped more than $4 billion into the regional economy in 2000.

Tapping into a long-established culture of interdisciplinary education and research, the new department offers a double-major curriculum in which each student must complete the requirements of a traditional engineering program plus a palette of nine biomedical engineering courses, ranging from physiology and biochemistry to biomedical engineering design.

“We are the only school offering this dual-major degree in biomedical engineering,” said Todd Przybycien, head of the new Biomedical Engineering Department. “We feel students need a broader toolkit to be competitive in today’s job market, so our biomedical majors can opt for a double major curriculum that may include mechanical, chemical, electrical, computer, public policy, materials science, and civil and environmental engineering.”

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