Information Technology Management

The Information Technology Management track of the Master of Science in Information Technology (MSIT-ITM) is offered via distance education to employees of corporate partners. This program equips students with a solid understanding of core information technologies, their application and associated management and strategic issues.
The curriculum draws on the expertise of faculty from the Software Engineering Institute, the School of Computer Science and the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management. Current corporate partners include General Motors and Marconi.

The program consists of five core courses and seven electives. A variety of customization options are available. For further information on this program, visit the MSIT-ITM Web site. For specific information about corporate partnership options, please contact the Director of Information Technology Education .
The Flex-Mode Program
Under the direction of Ilker Baybars, senior deputy dean for academic affairs at the Graduate School of Industrial Administration, the business school’s interactive distance learning program—taught through a $100,000 teleconferencing system—gives participants the opportunity to earn a master’s degree in Industrial Administration.
The three-year program is just as comprehensive as the school’s full-time master’s degree track, covering areas like quantitative managerial decision-making, business communication and the political environment for business leaders. All students in the distance learning program are company sponsored.
United Technologies Corp. and the Ford Motor Company have sponsored students in the program.