63% Plan on Staying at Carnegie Mellon Indefinitely
Although it’s human nature to complain, Carnegie Mellon employees are generally satisfied with their work environment. So say the results of last summer’s university-wide survey measuring staff morale.

Thirty-one percent (771) of the university’s 2,485 staff members completed the 150-question, online survey produced by Human Resources and Consulting Psychologist Press, Inc. (CPP). The respondents included a fair representation of all colleges and administrative divisions on campus. Only two areas were below the 20 percent participation rate.
Employees were asked to rate their satisfaction with direct supervisors, the quality of relationships with coworkers, opportunities for recognition, career development opportunities, communication from upper management, their ability to balance work and life, their perception of upper management competence, trust in upper management, treatment by upper management, their commitment to the organization and job satisfaction.
While staff said there’s room for improvement in several of these areas, none were found to be glaring weaknesses or problems requiring immediate attention. One of the most notable results came from questions that asked staff members about their intent to stay or leave the university. More than 75 percent of survey respondents said they intend to remain with Carnegie Mellon for at least three years. Sixty-three percent plan on staying indefinitely.